

“We Are All Thay’s Continuation” – Lion’s Roar

“Meditation Can Be Boring” – Medium, Noteworthy – The Journal Blog

Engaged Parenting as Spiritual Practice” – Lion’s Roar

Motherhood gave me an identity crisis. Solving it was simple, but it wasn’t easy.” – The Washington Post: On Parenting

At Home in Ourselves: A Mindful Acceptance of My Autistic Son” – Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism

Leaving the Shore of Illusion” – Lion’s Roar

Three Questions for Coming Back to Now” – Lion’s Roar

Unsubscribing from the Culture of Busyness” – No Sidebar

Mindful Parenting: Being There When You Don’t Want to Be There / Why Are We Here?” – Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation Blog

Breathing In: Breastfeeding as a Spiritual Practice” – Mothering Magazine [reprinted in The Mindfulness Bell magazine, 2017]


Lucky Pup –  Poetry Chapbook (Skanky Possum Press, 1999) (Out of Print)


The Mindful Mama Podcast” with Hunter Clark-Fields – August 15, 2017


Dharma Mamas: A Community for Mindful Mothers – Founder, Curator, Editor and Contributor


Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sound: The Teachers of WritersCorps in Poetry and Prose –  Poetry (City Lights, 2009)

Curves on a Sidewalk Street: A WritersCorps Collection of San Francisco Youth Writing – Editor and Contributor